December 20, 2005

Going Fine

I did not know that my mom sent me a text message last December 2. She thought I am the one who is mad at her because I did not reply. I did not receive any because I remember now that I ran out of battery during that day. I am excited to go home and be with her.

I received a lot of Christmas gifts and as always I opened them immediately when I reached home. I loved all the gifts. I realized I have a significant number of thoughtful friends. I have a new glass pitcher, oranges, pastries, goodies made out of Host cuttings, belt, two polo shirts, scented candles, house ornament, etc.

One gift is very special for me not because it is very expensive. It is special because my friend has an economic difficulty but she still gave me that expensive gift. I hope I can tell her that the thought will be enough and such an expensive gift is unneccessary. She just said, "That's how I love you." I appreciate the gift nevertheless. I will wear it this January while the weather is still cold.

I also apologized to one teacher in FEU last week. She said she has been waiting for me to approach her and realize my mistakes. Yes I did. I cannot afford to be in bad terms with anyone. She smiled when I handed down my gift to her.

I am very happy! It seems that everything is going fine. I just knew everything will be fine. I only need to face each problem and do something about it.



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